Adobe After Effects Basics – Expressions

Multidimensional Expressions

All of the expressions we’ve looked at so far are one-dimensional; they only return a single value. However, a lot of effect properties in After Effects have more than one dimension. A 2D position has 2 dimensions: x and y. A 3D position has an x, y and z value. Of course you can use expressions to control these properties as well, but the syntax is a little different.

I have created a simple composition with a circle in it. The circle is keyframed to move from left to right though the scene.

After Effects Expressions 11 - Animated Circle Preview

The circle is a simple masked out solid layer and I’ve keyframed the Position property of the layer to animate the circle across the screen.

After Effects Expressions 10 - Animated Circle

Add an expression to the Position of the circle layer by ALT-clicking on the stopwatch icon next to the property. Just like with one dimensional expressions, you can use


to have the circle behave exactly like it did before. ‘Value’ will simply evaluate to the current [x, y] position of the layer. Now this is actually a shorthand. The full syntax for the same expression is

[value[0], value[1]]

Since the position property has 2 dimensions, we have to set both the x and the y dimension by enclosing the expression in square brackets. The general syntax to access multidimensional properties is

[x, y, z, ...]

Since ‘value’ is also multidimensional when used in a multidimensional property, you can access each of the dimensions by indexing the value with value[0] for the x, value[1] for the y and value[2] for the z dimension.

Change the expression on the Position property on the circle layer to

[value[0], 100]

After Effects Expressions 12 - Multi Value Expression

The x position of the circle will still be updated from the keyframed animation and the circle will move across the screen as before left to right. The y coordinate however has now been fixed at 100 pixels from the top of the composition.

After Effects Expressions 13 - Circle Shifted

To get a little bit more fancy, change the expression on the Position property for the layer to

[value[0], value[1] + Math.sin(time) * 100]
After Effects Expressions 14 - Sin Wave Expression

Can you guess what this will do?
It retains the current x coordinate but the y position of the layer will be set to the current y coordinate plus the sine of the current time (in seconds) multiplied by 100. This will cause the circle to bob up and down by 100 pixels as it moves across the screen.

After Effects Expressions 15 - Circle Sin Wave Movement

And, finally, of course you can also use the wiggle expression with multidimensional properties. The expression will simply randomise all dimensions of the property by the specified amount.

To check that out, enter

wiggle(2, 400)

into the expression editor.

After Effects Expressions 16 - Wiggle Expression

The circle will still move from left to right across the screen since we animated the position property, but the position will be randomly altered twice per second by a value of up to 400 pixels. It looks as if the circle is drunk and stumbling across the screen.

After Effects Expressions 17 - Circle Wiggle

Now that we’ve covered expressions for multidimensional properties, let’s jump back into the deep end and have a look at some of the advanced things you can do with expressions!

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7 Responses

  1. Hi there!!! i have a question,
    i followed the steps on your webpage, but the expression on the source text isnt working for me so i cant really start with the tutorial :/

    after i pick whip the source text with the slider effect i got this error

    invalid numeric result (divide by zero )

    this is how my expression looks:

    “slider value: ” +
    thisComp.layer(“CONTROL”).effect(“Slider Control”)(“Slider”)

    what could it be my mistake?

    THanks a lot!! you really do a great job!!!
    Show less

    1. You need to append ‘.value.toString()’ to the end of the expression. I was actually missing it from the description of the tutorial (fixed). It’s in the video at around 10:30

  2. Hi. I think there is is some mistake into hue expression. There is “for (i = 1; i < thisComp.numLayers; i++)" but shuold be "for (i = 1; i <= thisComp.numLayers; i++)"
    "<=" instead "<"

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